Types of Consulting

  • Establish Direct/Indirect Sales and Pre-Sales Enablement Programs
    • Job Role Definition and Skills Assessment
    • Roles Based Onboarding Programs
    • Continuing Education
      • Face to Face
      • Live, Online and On-Demand
    • Newsletter Creation and Distribution
    • Sales Kickoff Design and Execution
  • Marketing
    • Sales Tool Creation and Distribution Based on Buyer Persona
      • Value Based Buyer Presentations
      • Solution Briefs
      • White Paper Creation
      • Multimedia Success Stories
      • Multimedia Customer Case Study Publication
      • Sales Based Win Stories – Multimedia and Written Formats
      • Solution and Product Demonstration Tool Creation and Distribution
    • Sales Playbook Creation Based on Sales Cycle
  • Competitive Intelligence
    • Quick Hit – Competitive Battle Cards
    • Detailed Competitive Briefs
    • Win/Loss Analysis
    • Competitive Alerts


The following are measurable outcomes to be achieved:

  • Shortened Sales Cycle covering the full offering
  • Increased Revenue based on a consistent knowledge exchange linking customer buyer needs to desired outcomes
  • Increased Sales and Organizational Business Function Integration and Communication

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